
What our patients have to say...

  • I have spent the last several years desperately trying to find the one "thing" or modality that would help me feel better both physically and mentally. 

     Dr. Larry has been the missing link that has helped tie together all of my efforts. Through his care I have been able to sleep better, get rid of chronic headaches, work through many of my deep-rooted issues, and feel an overall sense of happiness that had been missing in my life. 

     Dr. Larry has helped me regain my self-advocacy and helped me to understand my own innate ability to heal.

    Show More - Sabrina B.
  • His ability to facilitate the movement of energy in cooperation with the innate wisdom of the body results in an overall sense of well being. 

    Which simply continues to grow over time leaving one feeling whole and in synch with life. 

    I've also greatly benefitted by his skillful coaching. if you're ready to experience an enhanced version of you, I highly recommend working with him.

    Show More - Judy H.
  • Have been a patient for over 20 years. I am helped every session. Dr. Stern has gone above and beyond to help me whenever I am in need. He listens and is a talented Network Chiropractor.

    - Carla B.
  • I literally ‘landed’ in the serene offices of Dr. Stern after a car accident further exacerbated the pain of severe long-term sciatica (and my chiropractor sister’s urging). 

    I had no idea what to expect as I had previously been to every other source of healing pre-surgery. I knew I was in a ‘safe space’ upon entering. 

    For most of my adult life, I moved at the speed of light, run by my career, hardly able to feel success, generally ill at ease with my physical self and ‘joy’ escaped me…All of this was ‘trapped in my body’, especially my spine.  

    After months working with the truly gifted Dr. Stern, the breathing work of Network Spinal Analysis and ‘light healing touches’ brought a newfound awareness to my whole body, connecting me to many unresolved issues which were healed by his intuitive Wellness Coaching. 

    The process of becoming my authentic self, a life filled with integrity, trust, love and forgiveness , in my 60’s, continues to be a pain-free journey that I welcome with ‘joy’ every day and am grateful for the brilliant work of Dr. Stern.

    Show More - Gayle S.
  • Initially, I came to Dr. Stern accompanying my daughter who sought his care. It took not an instant to realize that I, too, could benefit from seeing him regularly.   

    I was too busy and absorbed in caring for my daughter to realize how tightly wound I was. Thus began a magical journey toward an awakening I never even could have dreamed of. 

    Through the gentle touches of Network Spinal Analysis, and many anchoring discussions, all of which enabled me to embrace my daughter with all her struggles. 

    But the true gift, for me, has been a total relaxation of my nervous system, an ability to adapt easily to stress and anxiety, all short-lived when they arise.

     I feel a peace and happiness in my heart and soul that I never before experienced. Everything I do or speak or write is affected by this transformation. 

    Sometimes I look in the mirror and I do not even recognize the person looking back at me.

    I have entered a new state of being, which I attribute to Dr. Stern and our work together.

    Show More - Georgia D.
  • Whenever I receive an entrainment from Dr. Stern I feel the tension in my body release, my breathing get fuller and my mind become peaceful. After a session I feel energized and am able to think more clearly.

    - Dr. Vincent P. Monaco
  • Dr. Larry is a gifted practitioner, devoted to his patient's well being. 

     I've benefitted enormously from Network Chiropractic care in supporting major life transitions and challenges within the last 9 months. 

    I can release physical and emotional tension much more easily-- inviting peace and happiness into my life. 

    Now we're addressing a level of core spinal tension that I've held onto for years. This step will allow me to actualize my full embodied potential fearlessly. 

    I know choosing a health practitioner is a highly personal matter. Dr. Larry is a match for me because of his listening skills, his attunement to physical, emotional and spiritual health, his ability to help my body remember how to heal, and his integrity.

    I highly suggest meeting with him to see if he's right for you.

    Show More - Emma L.
  • Dr. Stern is an extraordinary chiropractor and healer. 

    Over the past 15 years that I have been under his great care he has offered me physical, emotional and spiritual support. 

    I recommend his care to anyone looking for safe, natural and grounded support.

    - Basil J.
  • I met Dr. Larry Stern in March of 2011. My life has never been the same since. I was diagnosed with vagal neuropathy in 2009. I was coughing about 20 times a day. Could not get a handle on it. 

    When I went to see Dr. Larry for the first time, I found it very refreshing. He actually asked probing questions about me and what was going on in my life at that particular time. 

    I had seen many doctors up to this point, and none looked at the whole person. I thought, at 56 years of age, I knew something about myself and my life. Wrong. 

    Dr. Stern made our space together an extremely freeing experience. I did some crying and some sincere soul searching and began to look at my life and how I was dealing with certain milestones. Such as the 30th anniversary of my mom’s passing and the 10 yr. mark of my sister’s passing. At that time I was having lots of chatter with them, especially my mom. 

    Dr. Stern taught me how to control that very consuming need I had to tell her everything that was going in my life and the world. Needless to say, I was very distracted and was almost in an accident. 

    He gave me the attention I so sorely needed, where I could just let out all my sadness and move on with my life.

    He taught me how to control my coughing and the anxiety that came with it. I honestly, could not
    imagine not having him in my life.

     Granted I do not see him as regularly as I used to, but when I do, I always feel so calm and relaxed and able to take in whatever life as in store for me. 

    I recommend everyone to at least meet Dr. Stern and just maybe he can help relieve you of the emotional baggage we all seem to carry with us in our adulthood.

    Show More - Fran R.
  • I have been seeing Dr. Stern for a couple years and he has brought truly transformative healing to my life.

    I have found where to put weight on my feet to correct my posture and strengthen my muscles. I can work out more effectively and my pelvis stays in balance! 

    Amazingly I have better circulation in my weak leg. In addition I feel more ease and confidence in my authentic self! 

    Seeing Dr. Stern is physically and emotionally healing!

    Show More - Joy M.
  • I don’t know how I functioned before he came into my life, I was stressed out and in lots of pain. 

    Currently, I’m going through what is definitely the most stressful work situation I’ve ever been in and everyone, including me, is amazed at how well I’m handling it all. 

    My ability to deal with stress, to think clearly in difficult situations and process what’s happening is 100x better with ongoing Network Spinal Analysis from Dr. Stern. 

    My body used to store all the stress until I got to the point where I couldn’t walk. The last time that happened was about 7 years ago and it was the first time I saw Dr. Stern. 

    Now, if my back hurts a little one day, it’s gone the next day as my body has been trained to process the stress while I’m sleeping. 

    It still amazes me every time it happens!

    Show More - Christina T.
  • Dr. Stern has been a true blessing in my life + wellbeing. 

    Neck pain ✅ 
    Back pain ✅ 
    Life counseling ✅

    Without his guidance and gentle bodywork I wouldn’t be able to perform at the level I do. 

    Thank you!!! ��

    - Tara A
  • When I first called Dr. Larry Stern, I was desperate to help my 7-year-old son Blake. 

    My son was sick with a rash that progressed from head to toe over the course of the 3 months. The hospitals and Doctors (which were many) were all stumped about what was going on with Blake. Wherever this rash was present, it was affecting his joints and nervous system to the point he was unable to walk or use his arms. I literally was pushing him around in his younger brother's stroller or carrying him on my back to get him around. 

    During the fall semester of 2018 at school, he only was present for 15 days. No medication was helping the pain. We both literally had no sleep.

    In December 2018 I was referred to Dr. Stern and I remember the phone call we had so clearly. Dr. Stern listened to my story about Blake, and told me “I am going to help your son!” and I knew we were in good hands. I got off the phone and just cried. I was so relieved and just released all these feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness. Dr. Stern also made it a point to have me as his patient. 

    Over the course of the first month, I could see my son’s transformation. Dr. Stern’s office became a sanctuary of trust and comfort for my son, which was not present at his other Specialist Doctors.

     Dr. Stern became a person who was going to help to Blake. He was able to walk without pain by the end of the month!

    Over the next few months, Blake’s whole demeanor changed as well. His body and mind began to
    quiet down, and I was getting feedback from his teachers of the transformation they were seeing at
    school. He also started back up in Taekwondo, and was doing so great with that. 

    We are just so blessed to have crossed paths with Dr. Stern. He was just so authentic in his wanting to help us, and that made all the difference.

    Show More - Megan B.
  • I came to see Dr. Larry shortly after my husband died. I had fallen on the ice which impacted my neck and upper back and was in great pain. I felt literally broken in all ways. 

    Larry was so kind and I felt very safe and comforted by his touch. My whiplash symptoms were gone in 3 sessions. 

    The atmosphere in the room is totally conducive to relaxing and releasing whatever anxiety, grief, anger one may be holding. 

    Dr. Larry's gentle, sure adjustments and touch are healing and loving. I always walk out with a higher frequency in my spirit - attuned to my higher awareness, and a great sense of peace and calm. 

    Not to mention that my body feels so much lighter and well balanced.

    Show More - Carrie K.
  • Divine Healing

     “I did not know that this was possible but the work I do with Dr. Larry has proven to be of such great value for me on my spiritual journey.
    My current experience of living in this body is far different than it was pre-Larry Stern and Network Care. I’ve gratefully and gracefully arrived at a point in my healing where I live care rather than simply receive it.
    Recently, during a healing session, the energy in me became profoundly alive and I had a deep knowing that Source energy was directing me. I didn’t have to do anything on the table but trust and allow my body to transform and integrate. Innate intelligence was in control.
     This felt experience has continued to grow and develop. It’s always with me. It informs me when I am in resonance with the many expressions of truth, with beauty, joy, love and compassion.
    I feel a gentle sway as if acknowledging Divine Presence in its many forms.

    It’s lovely and I’m so grateful.”



    Show More - Danielle T.
  • " It is very difficult to completely express what happens in the healing spaces of Dr. Stern, but it is easy to say how well-cared for I feel when I'm there, and how much I trust this process he has mastered.

     It's as if all the fragmented regions of my body and psyche are somehow settling into a sweet spot of convergence.  

    And at some point I notice that a long soft wave of breathing has arrived, and that I have arrived in a body that's whole. 

    All the little ways my body had organically responded to Dr. Stern's subtle healing moves, I realize now, were the obstacles to that wholeness disappearing. 

     With each visit I sense my body learning - remembering - this wholeness.  

     A line from Rumi seems to say it just as well:  "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."   

    Show More - Steve P.
  • Dr. Larry really cares

    Truly an amazing person and Doctor. I had such bad back pain and sciatica when I met him that I could hardly walk without being in excruciating pain.  

    Not only am I pain free now, but I’m back to my sport of choice which is kickboxing. 

    If you are in pain I highly recommend you see this amazing individual. You won’t regret it! 

    Show More - Craig H.
  • Dr. Larry is simply the best spine doctor I've ever met. I never thought I would WANT to go to the chiropractor as much as I want to visit Larry. 

    He makes sure I'm centered, straight, and ready for action in the world. A++  

    - Chris S.
  • Dr. Larry is a brilliant soul who see the best in his patients and wants the best for them as well.  

    I sought him out because I'd experience NSA in the past and it served me very well.  

    Dr. Larry has gentle manner and a light-hearted way of being that is a constant reminder of the balance (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) we strive to attain/maintain.  

    Show More - Sylvia D.
  • After life-long back pain due to numerous injuries, I went to him as a last resort before caving into surgery. I couldn't take the pain anymore.

    After the very first treatment, I had a pain-free night for the first time in years! Since then, my back and body have been steadily healing. Even injuries in other areas have been healing! It's been absolutely remarkable!

    Show More - Liz J.
  • My Life Today

    is so incredibly different than it was six years ago when I first met Dr. Larry and first experienced Network care. My light had nearly gone out, but now burns brighter than ever before.  

    As my nervous system unwound and reset, I began to feel intensely alive, peaceful and joyful all at the same time. Thank you Dr. Larry for opening my heart, and for enabling me to connect with the life force within and universal energy beyond.  

    Show More - Gail C.
  • Pain Free at Last!

    Over 12 years ago, I was assisted into Dr. Stern’s office with severe back pain which seemed to recur at least annually. 

     I cannot describe to you what he did or does. I can only describe to you how I feel. 

    Since those sessions, I have never had back issues ever again.

    I plan sessions regularly because I feel so balanced and cared for. Instead of going to get straightened out, I go to feel nurtured and it is a part of a selfcare gift to myself.  

    Show More - Gale R.
  • Integrative Health

    In Network Spinal Analysis, Dr. Stern has pursued an approach to health that matches his gentle and wholistic nature.

     In addition to relieving pain immediately, his attentive and patient approach over time enables the body to be more alert to itself. 

    Benefitting from his attention for over 25 years, I've not only avoided surgery, but have avoided recurrent lower back problems that found me immobilized for several days and distraught. 

    Thank you so much Dr. Larry.    

    Show More - Jonathan G.
  • Helpful for Anxiety

    My mom had recommended that I go see Dr. Larry, although I have no back issues to speak of.  

    She found it to be very healing and relaxing and thought it might help me. 

    I began seeing Dr. Larry and felt immediate relief. I am not really sure how exactly Network Care works but I know that a lot of the tension I was feeling seemed to dissipate.

     I continue to see him as often as possible because I get significant relief. It has been a very positive experience for me. 

    Show More - Danielle P.
  • You will not find a more dedicated and talented healer

    Since I was 19 and sustained a back injury, I have struggled with back pain, neck pain and TMJ issues.

     For more than 10 years I have been largely pain free in great part due to the expert and loving care of Dr. Larry. 

    His knowledge of chiropractic care and Network care are unparalleled.

     I really cannot put into words the positive force he has been in my healing.  

    Show More - Alison B.
  • Dr. Stern corrected my life!

    When I first met with Dr. Larry, I was broken in too many ways to list. I had recently fallen and hurt my back.

     Having been through a micro lumbar discectomy when I was 25 years younger, I didn’t want to go through the pain-med approach or the fear of receiving regular chiropractic adjustments to my spine. 

    Through an integration of gentle, light touch Network Care and Awaken Wellness Coaching, I am feeling the best that I have ever felt in over 40 years.   

    Show More - Lauren M.
  • Larry has made a difference for my family

    I was recommended to Dr Larry after I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. His Network Care was a critical part of my healing process and management of my condition. I now return as needed to help me get back on track after life stressors, or, most recently, injury.

    He has helped both of my children navigate the turbulent waters of adolescence. They come to him for help with sports injuries as well as life stressors. 

    We Love Dr. Larry! 

    Show More - Melissa B.
  • Getting the Past out of my Body

    Dr. Larry is a powerful chiropractor and healer. I rely on him to maintain my health and well-being!  

    My experience is that his treatment allows my body to release toxins and stress stored in my cells and nervous system which leaves me at ease and with peace of mind. 

    I leave his office tension-free and able to enjoy my life. I had chronic pain and anxiety when I first began with him - both of which are gone! 

    Show More - Sherene D.
  • Dr. Larry is a Healer

    When my back caused me excruciating pain, I tried Dr. Larry’s approach and found the answer through his care. 

    I have remained a patient since then and through periodic care I’ve found regular relief to pains and discomforts associated with just daily living and aging.  

    Show More - Robert C.
  • Migraines Gone...

    For about the last four or five years I experienced migraines on a regular basis. I was lost and somewhat confused as to where to find the answers to my chronic migraines.  My yoga teacher introduced me to Dr. Lawrence Stern. 

     We began NSA care in January and it was well worth it because by early May I was fully migraine free. 

    Now I go back every so often for my wellness visits.  

    Network Spinal Analysis is a must for those who suffer with chronic migraines. 

    Show More - Lisa M.

Main Location


121 Smith Ave Suite 1,
Mount Kisco, NY 10549


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm



